Gold price: 22k69,88 per gram18k54,81 per gram14k38,40 per gram(10-03-2025 10:51:03)

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Blog overview

New Year 2020


We wish you a vibrant 2020.   In 2019, gold did very well, and it's possible the price will keep rising after New Year's Day.   These days, we also end our most elaborate social media theme. No ressemblance with 'Star Wars' is coincidental. This blog post is accompanied by an image of the lobby giving access to the Gold Bar, where the heroes of our story...

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 New Year 2020

Happy Halloween!


We'll be on holiday for a few days, from October 31 until November 11.   But we already wish you a nice Halloween party. Our most recent social media are completely spooky too. The image accompanying this blog post is just a sample.

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Happy Halloween!

Save our invest?


In order for the economy to function, money needs to 'circulate'. We just learned that the ECB (European Central Bank) entertains ideas about discouraging all those who park a large sum on saving accounts. This by applying a negative interest to everything above € 100,000.   An incentive to invest, so to speak. The past months, the stock market didn't do too well...

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Save our invest?

Summer holidays


From Thursday the 18th of July until Thursday the 1st of August 2019, we're on our summer break.   At the beginning of next month, we'll be back, also with a new central theme on social media.

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Summer holidays

New social media concept


Perhaps you've already noticed it on our Instagram page. The past two weeks, we've made the transition to a new concept. Next Monday, the 24th of June, we'll continue the line on a few other channels. There too, some things will change.   You can see the entire concept evolve on Instagram. The background is now a landscape without end, ever evolving. Each month, we'll...

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New social media concept

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