Gold price: 22k69,85 per gram18k54,79 per gram14k38,38 per gram(10-03-2025 10:54:03)

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Blog overview

A golden goose?


For a while, we haven't talked about the gold price anymore. After a few fluctuations and a slump in August of 2018, the precious metal's price is on the rise again.   What are the prospects for 2019 and until rougly 2022? If you compare a few sources, you'll realise that a few analysts are very positive and even mention a further rise.   Predictions are always...

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A golden goose?



Next Monday to Thursday (14 until 17 January), the annual SIHH (Salon Internationale de la Haute Horlogerie) fair will happen again in Geneva. It's the sector's supreme moment.   For the first time, Bovet will also participate in the event.   We're expecting a few innovations again, both in terms of techynologie and design. As we're involved in buying and selling...

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2018 to 2019


We wish you a nice end of the year 2018 and a sparkling start of 2019.   Our team will be standing by again from the 2nd of January on!

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2018 to 2019

Christmas mood


You'll already have noticed by looking at the photo: our shopping window has already got into the Christmas mood.   We wish you happy holidays. And a lot of shopping fun as well!

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Christmas mood

What makes the Krugerrand so special?


Since the end of the 1960s, beginning of the 1970s, these South African coins are truly one of the standard products for gold investors.   It's not an ordinary coin, like the ones used as regular means of payment. On neither of the Krugerrand's sides, you'll see a currency value. In iself, that's already a clear message: not a fixed value, but the gold value according...

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 What makes the Krugerrand so special?

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