Gold price: 22k69,72 per gram18k54,68 per gram14k38,31 per gram(10-03-2025 14:23:04)

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A look back at gold and silver in 2020


Gold has not had such a high return since 2010. In dollar terms, it was as high as 25%. As this currency has fallen in value against the euro, our result was somewhat less, but still a very respectable 14 %. You can also calculate that gold has yielded an average of 12 % per year since 2005. So last year was also a good year.


It's been since 2016 that silver outperformed gold. The price even rose 48 % in 2020. We should note that gold is tax-free and you do pay VAT on silver. Just to put it in context.


The gold and silver prices will probably continue to rise in the coming years. Because of the low interest rates at banks, many investors are taking refuge in precious metals, among others. And higher demand also means higher prices, in essence.

A look back at gold and silver in 2020
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